中華南懷仁文化交流協會 / 輔仁大學天主教學術研究院
~ 以天主教聖母聖心會為例 ~
1949 to 1952 could have been called the “years of nonsense” for many Catholic foreign missionary societies in China. These four years were part of a process that had started early in some areas controlled by the Communist Party of China; a process that had accelerated by then and that ended with all foreign missionary presence eliminated from China… except for the many left behind in jail. Male and female missionaries were, rounded, confronted emotionally abused… and, finally, shamefully expelled from China; many with just the clothes they were wearing on.
For many congregations that “nonsense” was a mix of financial, emotional and spiritual losses, of broken expectations, of dreams turned into nightmares. On a first reading they saw themselves as victims of antichristian and atheistic communism. With time, a more paused and objective look to the past started to appear. True they were victims, but, somewhat, they also were the assailant, not in a personal way but, as Liberation Theology would like to say, as a “structural sin”. The Catholic Mission of Evangelization in China was not as violent as it was in other territories under control of the metropolises (Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Germany, Britain…) but it too had a strong dose of tool-for-control and power-affiliation with the ruling western empires of the time, especially during the 1845-1910’s era… and in some cases even beyond.
History is written by the winner, or so they say. Still, as Christian communities, our own history should be written by all, because when history is viewed from the perspective of the Gospel there are no winners or losers. We are all winners if this our human history brought us closer to God’s Kingdom and losers if it sent us apart from it. The understanding of our missionary history in China should be based on facts, historical events, records and documents, and this is only possible through time and money consuming research.
Verbiest Association, as member of Verbiest Foundation, has among its main objectives the promotion of historical research of the Catholic Church in China. Confucius said: "There may be those who act without knowing why. I do not do so. Hearing much and selecting what is good and following it; seeing much and keeping it in memory - this is the second style of knowledge." These wise words of Confucius faithfully summarize the aim of this colloquium-forum: looking back through history as researchers to keep a better memory of the past (factual based), better understanding the present (objective approach) and better knowing why and how to act in the future (new awareness).
This activity centered on “The importance of the history of evangelization ~ Taking CICM as an example” simply wants to be a catalyst aiming to foster a renewed appreciation for the historical research of Chinese Christianity. This is a task we, a Chinese speaking part of the Universal Church, should commit to until the situation in China allows the Chinese Catholic Church (and other interested parties) to do their own unbiased historical research; until then let’s keep this concrete avenue of historical research open and well maintained in expectation of the day the relay baton can be finally passed to their foremost owners: The Chinese Catholic Church.
Fr. Francisco Carin
這項以「福傳史的重要性~ 以天主教聖母聖心會為例 ~」為主題的學術研討會旨在「對中國基督宗教歷史研究的重新認識」開啟一個催化的作用。我們作為普世華人(華文)教會的一員,這項任務可說是一種本份與承諾,直到中國天主教會(以及其他相關機構)被允許進行他們自己無偏差的歷史研究為止。在此之前,讓我們持續在這具體的歷史研究路上保持最佳的狀態,期待有朝一日我們能把這項研究的接力棒傳遞給其真正的主人:「中國天主教會」。
范凱令神父 撰寫 / 林俊雄 翻譯
主辦單位: | 中華南懷仁文化交流協會 輔仁大學天主教學術研究院 |
協辦單位: | 天主教聖母聖心會 中華基督神修小會 天主教男女修會會長聯合會 |
地 點: | 輔仁大學倬章樓四樓聖保祿廳 |
時 間: | 2019年11月 30 日(週六) 上午10:00~下午15:30 |
活動報名時間: | 即日起至額滿為止(已額滿) |
活動報名方式: | 網路報名:已額滿,暫停網路報名。如欲候補者請電話或Email聯繫。 登記候補名額:電話 (02)2314-9631 林小姐 / Email: vftaipei@seed.net.tw |