4th Workshop in the Spirituality of Dialogue
For a Synodal Church:
第四屆 對話靈修工作坊
Fu Jen Faculty of Theology of St. Robert Bellarmine
Chinese Ferdinand Verbiest Cultural Exchange Association
Regional Association of Major Religious Superiors of Men and Women in Taiwan
Chinese Christian Spirit Community
Fu Jen Faculty of Theology of St. Robert Bellarmine
輔仁聖博敏神學院 三樓大禮堂
Time時間: May 28, 2022 /民國111年5月28日(週六) 09:00~16:40
The number of participants scheduled 預定參與人數: 60人
(視當時政府防疫規定辦理) (tentative; it may vary according to government pandemic policies)
Rationale 計劃緣起
Σύνοδοι: "companions on the journey"
(Ignatius of Antioch, “Letter to the Ephesian community”)
Without any doubt, Pope Francis is taking a radical approach to the nature of the Catholic Church and its mission at the beginning of the third millennium. He is a radical, but in the etymological sense of the word: radix (root). He is proposing to the third millennium Catholic Church a return to its original roots to emphasize its fundamental nature. The available preparatory document for the 2021-2023 synod we have been reflecting recalls what St. John Chrysostom said, that “Church and synod are synonymous,” meaning that both words refer to the same reality. It is the essence of the Church to be synodal, therefore, without synodality there is no Church, or it at least is severely handicapped.
Church and synod are synonymous because both refer to a group of people (ekklesia-church) called to walk together along a common path (synodos). The four gospels are the account done by 4 different authors of a common journey that started in Galilee and went all the way to Jerusalem… and then returned back to Galilea, and from there spread to the whole world; The Gospel was born along the road through the encounters with the disciples, the Pharisees, the demons, the sick, the pagan woman, the poor, the young rich man, the Samaritan woman at the well, the houses of Marta, Mary, Zacchaeus, the poor widow in the temple, the entry in Jerusalem… If we take out of the Gospel all that happened “on the way,” we will be left with a few out-of-context paragraphs.
The disciples and the first followers knew about the Kingdom, the Father, and everything else as they walked along with Jesus, listening to his stories. It is precisely “on the road and going forth” that we experience fellowship with Christ. Church is synonymous with walking together.
In this traveling towards Jerusalem, most of the time there is dialogue: Jesus asking, people answering and asking, Jesus answering, Jesus teaching, everyone chatting while sitting around tables for dinner, or at the feet of Jesus, or in the temple… always in dialogue. The Gospels are a practical guide to the dialogical process: “listening-discerning-realizing.” Church is synonymous to conversation.
Finally, the Gospels reflect a group of people where everyone is equal, where there is no “hierarchy” in the sense the world understands it, where everyone is welcomed without prejudices, where power means to serve, and the only thing to brag about is love: even to love your enemy. Church is synonymous to equality.
Synodality is nothing new, but it is radical because it brings us back to the source, to the road walked by Jesus, and invites us to recover the apostolic-journeying essence of our being Church, a Church that is charismatic and service-oriented, that is horizontal, mission-centered, and is one-minded because we are the body, and the Lord is the only head.
The “2021-2023 Synod on Synodality” aims to take the chisel and start cleaning up all the “lime scale” that through time has covered the original nature of the Church to the point that after 2,000 years, even the opposite traits have become for many the nature of the Church: self-centered, fixed, silently obedient, and powerfully hierarchical.
Synodality never disappeared in the Church and Vatican II is a proof of it. Fu Jen Faculty of Theology of St. Robert Bellarmine and Verbiest Association want to support this call of Pope Francis to return to our true nature as a Church going forth that journeys together. We hope that this “4th Workshop on the Spirituality of Dialogue: For a Synodal Church: COMMUNION, PARTICIPATION AND MISSION” can be one more conversation to reflect on and actively join the dialogue: What does “a synodal Church” mean for you, for me, for Taiwan, and for the world in this third millennium?
Objectives and schedule: 目標、内容與時間表:
(1) The proposed workshop focuses on the subject “For a Synodal Church” of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (October 2021 to October 2023).
主要以這次世界主教代表會議(2021年10月~2023年10月)之主題「同道偕行:以共融、參與及使命來體現共議性的教會」(For a Synodal Church)為討論重點。
(2) Several speakers will give input and lead participants to reflect in depth on the encyclical insights and share their thoughts or views about the topic.
May 28, 2022 / 民國111年5月28日(週六) | |
9:00~9:20 | Registration 報到 |
9:20~9:30 | Opening Ceremony 開幕式 |
9:30~10:30 |
Keynote Speech I 講題一 Topic of Speech : A Synodal Church: United in Christ, Walking with the Spirit. 演講主題: 共議性的教會:在基督內共融,在聖神內同行 9:30-10:15 Speaker: Fr. Jeffrey CHANG, SJ 主 講 者 : 鄭家樂神父(輔仁聖博敏神學院校長) 10:15-10:30 Q&A 提問時間 |
10:30~10:45 | Tea Break茶敘時間 |
10:45~11:25 |
Keynote Speech II 講題二 Topic of Speech : Synodal Spirituality 演講主題: 同道偕行的靈修 10:45-11:15 Speaker: Fr. Otfried CHAN 主講者:陳科神父(天主教會台灣地區主教團秘書處秘書長) 11:15-11:25 Q&A 提問時間 |
11:25~11:35 | Tea Break茶敘時間 |
11:35~12:15 |
Keynote Speech III 講題三 Topic of Speech: Synodality in Church History: Meetings of Bishops, Formation of the Laity and Lay Apostolate in Modern China 演講主題: 從近代天主教在華主教會議、教友培育與傳教運動談同道偕行 11:35-12:05 Speaker: Dr. Bibiana Yee-ying WONG 主 講 者 : 黃懿縈 博士(中研院近代史研究所博士後研究) 12:05-12:15 Q&A 提問時間 |
12:15~13:30 | Group photo and Lunch 團體照與午餐時間 |
13:30~14:30 |
Response and Collated information sharing from the local church I 回應與整理地方教會資料的分享(一) 【Synodal Process / Hsinchu Diocese同道偕行/分享者:新竹教區】 13:30-13:50 Speaker: Fr. Bartolomeus Lu / Ms. Min-Hui Liu 主 講 者: 盧成珉神父(新竹教區牧靈處副處長) 劉敏慧組長(新竹教區牧靈組組長) Response and Collated information sharing from the local church II 回應與整理地方教會資料的分享(二) 【Synodal Process / Association of Major Religious Superiors of Men and Women (AMRSMW) in Taiwan同道偕行/分享者:台灣天主教修會會長聯合會】 13:50-14:10 Speaker: Sr. Maria Lin, MSC 主 講 者: 林素鈴修女(女修會會長聯合會副主席/耶穌肋傷修女會會長) 14:10-14:30 Q&A 提問時間 |
14:30~14:45 | Preparation time for Workshops (group discussions) 小組分享的預備時間 Facilitators: Ignatian Spirituality Center (Taipei) 協 調 人: 台北依納爵靈修中心 |
14:45~15:00 | Tea Break 茶敘時間 |
15:00~16:00 | Workshops (group discussions)小組分享 8 facilitators will accompany participants of each group to discuss & share their views about the topics. 由8位台北依納爵靈修中心的協調人,陪伴參與者進行討論與分享。 Facilitators: Ignatian Spirituality Center (Taipei) 協調人:台北依納爵靈修中心 1. Group discussion I 主題一 (第1A組&第1B組): A Synodal Church: United in Christ, Walking with the Spirit. 共議性的教會:在基督內共融,在聖神內同行 2. Group discussion II 主題二(第2A組&第2B組): Synodal Spirituality 同道偕行的靈修 3. Group discussion III 主題三(第3A組&第3B組): Synodality in Church History: Meetings of Bishops, Formation of the Laity and Lay Apostolate in Modern China 從近代天主教在華主教會議、教友培育與傳教運動談同道偕行 4.Group discussion IV 主題四 (第4A組&第4B組): Response and Collated information sharing from the local church 回應與整理地方教會資料的分享 |
16:00~16:30 | Time for open discussion and sharing of conclusions綜合討論與結論 |
16:30~16:40 | Closing ceremony閉幕式 |
Registration Information報名資訊:
1. Registration is on pre-registration and on a first-come-first-served basis. Registration starts from now, and the number of full registrations will be in accordance with the government’s epidemic prevention regulations.
2. Online registration網路報名:
線上報名: http://www.verbiestfoundation.org/eforms_d.(已截止)
流程介紹: http://www.verbiestfoundation.org/edcontent_d.
南懷仁基金會網站: http://www.verbiestfoundation.org
3. Phone registration 電話報名: (02)2314-9631林小姐
4. Email registration (Email報名) : vftaipei@seed.net.tw